Irv: [telling Derice why he cheated] It's a fair question. It's quite simple, really. I had to win. You see, Derice, I had made winning my whole life, and when you make winning your whole life, you have to keep on winning, no matter what. Understand? Derice Bannock: No, I don't understand. You won two gold medals. You had it all. Irv: Derice, a gold medal is a wonderful thing. But if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it. Cool Runnings

Friday, November 9, 2012
Praying for and Honoring U.S. Leaders
I was convicted last week while reading through the book of Jeremiah. With God's judgment coming quickly and no hope of Him relenting, Jeremiah was told three times not to pray for the people of Judah (Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14; 14:11). It wouldn't do them any good. Their exile to Babylon was sure. In 15:1 God says that even if Moses and Samuel (some of the most powerful intercessors in the Bible) were to pray to Him, His heart still would not turn toward His people.
But Jeremiah prayed anyway. Isn't that amazing! He had such a heart for his nation and how his people stood in relation to God. This got me thinking. Would God have to tell me even once not to pray for America, if in fact it would do no good? And if He did tell me that, would I pray anyway?
I don't think it's too late for Christians to pray, and I was convicted because I rarely if ever pray for my country and its leaders. May I repent of this immediately! May we as a church rise up to pray for those God has placed in authority over us. May we not simply pray about them or talk about them in a spirit of slander. While there is certainly a time for confession and acknowledging sinfulness individually and nationally, why not also honor our leaders by praying for them? Surely this will do more good to aid our cause than anger and bitterness.
Whether or not you voted Democrat or Republican, the twin issues of the sanctity of life and marriage should be near and dear to your heart if you believe in God and His Word. There are other issues out there certainly, and neither party is perfect, but these two issues should not be dismissed flippantly. Having said this, I truly believe that within the church we should pray for God to stir and awaken us to the reality of what it looks like to not only favor the sanctity of life and marriage at the ballot box, but also in our everyday relationships.
I've been greatly aided by hearing other Christians like Dr. Russell Moore and Governor Mike Huckabee pray for our country and its leadership, so I'd like to offer this prayer in hopes of catalyzing my own prayer life and yours as well.
God what a blessing it is to be a citizen of Heaven. I thank you for sending Jesus Christ into the world to live the perfect life that I could never live, and for Him dying the death I deserved to die on the cross. Your raising Him from the dead demonstrated His Worth and Your Power, and I pray that I would not doubt either while I am temporarily an ambassador in a foreign land. May I first be loyal to you and your kingdom, and may I have the grace and discernment necessary to live my life in line with the principles and practices Jesus demonstrated while He was on temporary assignment here. May I anxiously and expectantly await the day when He returns not as an ambassador but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
God what a blessing also to be a citizen of the United States of America. I'm so thankful for the sacrifices countless soldiers made to allow my freedom in an earthly sense to become a reality. God may I exhibit a zeal and passion for this country on par with the price that was paid to establish it, all the while keeping in mind that there is no comparison to the price that was paid on my behalf by Christ. May I honor such men that follow His supreme example of sacrificial service, but recognize that Christ is in a category all by Himself. May I myself strive to live a life of sacrificial service, through the power of the Holy Spirit. And may I strive to be selfless even at the expense of my own self-preservation.
God I pray for this country and for its leadership. You say in your Word that the king's heart is a stream of water in your hand; and that you turn it wherever you will. God please turn our leaders' hearts toward all that is good and righteous and just. You also say that no one is in authority that was not placed there by you, so we pray that your appointed leaders would be completely successful in achieving all that is good. And may they be hindered in areas that are not. God may these men and women who ascend to these positions of leadership have a servant's heart and truly comprehend the truth that power is something to be stewarded and not lorded. May they understand that to whom much is given much will be required. Give them the grace they'll need to one day hear, "well done good and faithful servant."
Please bless our President, the First Lady, and their family. God what a tremendous burden they have to bear as leaders of our nation and the free world. I pray that stress would not lead President Obama to neglect his family, and I pray that there could be many treasured memories from their time in Washington. God I know the President is made in your image, and you love him so so much. May my heart for him become more like yours. And through consistently praying for him and honoring him may you mold my heart as well as his. God bless our leaders, and teach us your church to honor them.
God also teach us your church to value life and marriage. May we allow your work to be done in us before we ever expect secular leaders to do work in impacting the culture outside us. May we not just vote for sanctity of life and marriage, but may our actions reflect a truly redeemed heart as a result of the gospel. May we become defenders of the least of these in our world and may this point outsiders to you. May our marriages line up with our belief that we are to be imitators of Christ in His relationship with the us, His church. May husbands model grace and wives model trust. May we realize that avoiding divorce is not the same as striving for unity and loving each other sacrificially at any cost. God forgive us because we have failed and the world has noticed. Give us the grace to return to you, and to live our lives in a manner worthy of the high calling we've been given as sons and daughters of you. As we prepare and apprentice in this world now, may we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, and the mission we'll have with Him in ruling and reigning for forever and ever.
We ask all these things in the name that is above every name, Jesus. Amen.
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